We have recruited an independent mediator to help Goodwood Apartments residents reach a mutual agreement with L&Q in relation to their rehousing.
Towards the end of last year, Goodwood Apartments residents asked if L&Q could appoint an independent mediator to help find a solution that works for all residents and enables us to complete these critical works safely.
Mike Wilson is an experienced senior manager at Public Voice, a social enterprise that aims to improve public services and neighbourhoods through community engagement. Public Voice has been involved in a wide variety of regeneration projects across London, many of which have involved a mediation process, and listening to and working with private sector tenants.
Mike’s role will include:
- understanding the needs and concerns of the residents at Goodwood
- negotiating between L&Q and Goodwood residents
- agreeing future communications with Goodwood residents once they have moved to new accommodation
During this time, Mike will hold individual appointments with every household that wants one and also group sessions between residents and L&Q to support them in their re-housing.
We are writing to all Goodwood Apartments residents to invite them to meet with Mike and discuss their concerns.
If you have any questions, please contact us.